Coral Crochet Tank








Shorts (similar)
Nail Polish: OPI – ElePhantastic Pink
Lipstick: Revlon – Sassy Mauve

Hello, lovelies! How was your weekend?

The Look
Shades within the red color family, like coral, are some of my favorite to wear. I adore this brightly colored tank and the crotchet details. Paired with a pair of denim shorts and sandals and this look is perfect for a summer day (or night)!

The Latest
Typically, I don’t break down the content of my blog posts with subheadings, but with all that’s going on in the news, I wanted to write a bit. Clearly, I’m a black person (specifically, I’m a mix of African, Native American and Irish), and I am so saddened every time I come across a newsstory that discusses the same plot about a black person being shot by a trigger happy, non-black, police officer. The black person dies and the cop is either only forced to resign or barely receives a slap on the wrist for their murder. After the heated events that took place at the end of last week, I can’t help but reflect upon how to take action and make a positive difference.

Our system of justice in America is not fair. And I am still struggling with what to do to help make this nation one that shows justice to all. Truth be told, talking (or, writing!) about it is a start. M.L.K. Jr. spoke a lot about how silence tends to be the worst tragedy (when dealing with the rights of others). We need to acknowledge that there is a race issue in this nation and being a “non-racist” is not good enough. People must be “anti-racists” which means actively being conscious of racist tendencies within ourselves and others, and promptly shutting them down.

If there are 3 videos you absolutely must watch, and that you should share they are here:
1- This video about what it means to be more than a non-racist but to be an anti-racist
2- This video about the fascinating Jane Elliott and a thought-provoking question that she asks an audience.
3- This video about acknowledging racism in America and Jane Elliott’s suggestions for ending prejudice.

The Life
The weekend flew right on by! If you follow my Snapchat (add me: PrettyPerfect89), you’ll have seen that Saturday was spent at David’s buddy’s birthday BBQ bash. It was a fun time, but David and I were there between meals, so after staying at the bash for a couple of hours, we went to a very yummy restaurant in downtown Geneva called Burger Local. On Sunday, David and I spent more time together. We did some shopping out in Oak Brook (Sugarfina was out of the popular rosé gummy bears, but we tried the champagne ones and they are so delish!). After shopping, we headed back to our city and stopped into our fave local café spot, Graham’s 318. David did some work on his lap top, while I did some blogging on mine. Alena was at a friend’s for a sleepover on Saturday then my sister, Erica, took Alena up to Wisconsin to the Renaissance Fair all day on Sunday. It was nice spending lots of time with David, but I definitely missed my Alena love bug, so we rounded out Sunday night snuggled up together and chatting. Sometimes her reflections on life truly amaze me. She has such a good heart and she’s very curious. It’s hard to believe she’ll be starting 5th grade in the fall. (I’m now using the hashtag: #alenaallthecute on Instagram for whenever Alena makes an appearance here on All the Cute.)

That’s all I have right now… but please tell me about your thoughts about the core of this blog post. Do you think there’s a racial issue in America? How are you seeking to actively end this issue, and will you watch and share the videos I shared above? Do you think we can see progress in our day, or will it only show in the younger and younger generations?

With Style & Love,
