Edgy Valentine












Suede Skirt (c/o)
Boots (similar)
Crossbody bag
Lipstick: Revlon – Sassy Mauve
Nail polish: OPI – Bubble bath

Hello lovelies!

Have you ever felt like you’re doubting much of your potential and your capabilities? Despite the freedom and rights I am grateful for (thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) that’s how I’ve been feeling lately. I feel so confused about what I want out of life… most people look to new years as a fresh start, but I’m just looking at 2017 like, wow, what do I want out of you? And 2018 and 2019? As well! I suppose right now, I do have many ideas but I’m having a hard time narrowing down my dreams and selecting the ones that will be the most advantageous. I turn 28 this year (oh gosh, typing that was tough) and I’m starting to feel like I want to rewind the clock to 21 and know what I know right now… I bet most people feel the same way. Rest button? Push.

While I’m struggling to narrow down my precise career path, I am overjoyed at how my relationships with the people I care most about are blossoming beautifully. I share it a lot, but I’m so grateful David came into my life. Every day, I think of at least one reason as to why I want him around for something that sounds like forever… (okay, okay, I’ll be vulnerable, it’s forever!!! I adore that boy…) It’s hard figuring out love, but I think that love looks like falling in love with the same person over and over again.

Speaking of love, Valentine’s Day is a month away. I’ve never had a big deal Valentine’s Day (maybe this year will be different?), but it sure is fun coming up with different looks to wear for the occasion. This edgy Valentine outfit idea is perfectly made thanks to my gorgeous Meredith Skirt from Jag Jeans. The Meredith Skirt is a rich, black suede and is perfect to edge up an outfit made up of other great textures, like my boots, vegan leather motojacket and velvet, pink tank. Going out for a concert and need an edgier ensemble? This edgy Valentine outfit is a must have! Start with the skirt and work your way up!


Thanks to  Jag Jeans for sponsoring this post!


  1. Amber, you look so pretty… I like that this outfit has so many different texture’s. .. it’s edgy and chic xox

    I think we all feel like pushing the reset button but ultimately we wouldn’t be who we are today without those decisions we made.

    Happy Martin Luther King day… xox ♡♡♡

  2. Edgy valentine indeed–I love it! You look fab, as always! It’s so easy to get confused about life’s paths. It’d be so much easier if we were all guaranteed 200 years to do everything we want, but nobody gets that and nobody is promised any amount of time. Best of luck; I believe you’ll figure it out! XO

  3. I honestly think that most of us millennials feel this way and I think it’s because everything is moving at such a fast rate that it makes selecting a career path at times that much more overwhelming. Yup, I want to SLAM that pause button, haha. Anyway, you look beautiful and I adore the edgy, 90s vibe of this outfit, which is definitely perfect for a concert. Thanks so much for sharing, girl, and I hope you have a great day!



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